Nylon Lanyards the strongest lanyards

Nylon Lanyards The Strongest Lanyards

In the world of promotional products durability is the key to any promotional item. It is not enough just knowing that you are going to give someone something with your logo on it. You want to know that the products that you are giving will be in use for a long time. I mean what is the point of giving something to someone if it is going to be gone the next day or the day after that. You want to know that it will stand the test of time and be around for a long time. The longer that it survives the test of time the more value it is to you and your company. One such a product is nylon lanyards.

Nylon lanyards belong to the lanyard family which is a cord or strap worn around the neck, shoulder, or wrist to carry such items as keys or identification cards. You have long lanyards which go around your neck or shoulders and then you have the short lanyard, also know as a short strap, which you carry around your wrist. Lanyards come in different colours and are made from various material and are generally printed with a company logo and given to staff and customers. The nylon lanyard is one such lanyards and is immensely popular amongst the lanyard using population.

Nylon lanyards are particularly popular precisely because they are so strong. Think of your seatbelt in your car. What material is your seatbelt made from? It is made from nylon. And why is it made from nylon? It is made from nylon material because it needs to be strong and there can’t be any possibility that it will break in the event of an accident. The same can be said of a nylon lanyard. It needs to be strong so that it can’t break. If you are carrying your security pass or keys on your lanyard then you can surely appreciate this.

In the world of promotional products the nylon lanyard can be printed with a corporate logo of message. Also it can come with generic print terms such as “Staff” or “Security” etc. As it is worn around the neck and in a very prominent position it is great as an identification method. What makes it even better when it is made from nylon is that you know it will last.